Opening Day Thoughts … And More Giants Commercial GIFs!

I’ll be completely honest with you – the more competent the Giants are at the beginning of the season, the more I feel doomed about the season. There’s something about a sloppy, slumping, ERA-filled Giants team that makes me feel better about their chances in the postseason. It’s kind of messed up, but hey, I’m a…

2016 Giants Commercial GIFs

With the new season upon us, we can only expect a new batch of Giants commercials to grace our presence. As someone who thrives on that type of content to support my livelihood of creating GIFs, I couldn’t be happier to dust off my laptop and bring these to you. As an editor’s note, I’m…

Giants Ring Ceremony & Everyone’s ERA explodes

Day 3 of 3 of Opening Weekend. Ring Ceremony was amazing – the replica rings as you’ve probably heard, are just so cool. They are not plastic or keychains – they are straight up heavy duty rings that look pretty damn impressive. Of all 3 ceremonies, Opening Day was my favorite. It was cool to…

Buster Posey MLB “The Show” Commercial GIFs (Caution: Extremely Awesome)

Buster Posey doing anything other than quietly catching behind the plate and acting like Captain America during press interviews is an extreme rarity. And fan-freaking-tastic. So his MLB “The Show” commercials have been a real treat for Giants fans. His usually straight-laced, professional demeanor, immediately gets replaced with Snarky, Immature, and surprisingly, Good Actor, Buster…

Hunter Pence, Original Cro-Magnon

We all knew Hunter Pence liked to keep it fit. Last season, we found out that he eats Paleo. Basically that means you eat like a caveman – nuts, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish.I tried it for like 4 hours or something and almost passed out from being too hungry and grumpy. Anyway, the Giants posted…