Opening Day Thoughts … And More Giants Commercial GIFs!

I’ll be completely honest with you – the more competent the Giants are at the beginning of the season, the more I feel doomed about the season. There’s something about a sloppy, slumping, ERA-filled Giants team that makes me feel better about their chances in the postseason. It’s kind of messed up, but hey, I’m a Giants fan aren’t I?

After watching today’s back-to-back-to-back home runs today, I am thrilled… AND SCARED. Because a team that starts out this hot cannot possibly keep it going for 161 more games right?

Unfounded trepidation aside, here is one thing I noticed that I’m pretty excited about:

The Giants Offense Looks Good.. REALLY GOOD. 

Of late, the Giants haven’t exactly been known as offensive power houses. Pitching has always been more their jam … that is until Tim Lincecum and Matt Cain decided to almost simultaneously implode. That being said, I can’t remember such a offensive force since the 2002 Giants. Yeah, I’m talking about that team filled with sluggers like Barry Bonds and Jeff Kent.

Do you want to know the honest truth of how I know the Giants have a fantastic offense? Because usually when the Giants are batting, I can always find a string of hitters that I’d rather not watch bat. When I deem getting a bowl of ice cream or putting my laundry in the dryer to be a better option than watching Casey McGehee ground into a double play for the 30th time. Today I was watching from my desk at work and I was STARVING but couldn’t find the right time to break and run to the Mexican joint down the street for a burrito bowl. YES THIS IS THE TRUE MARKER OF AN EXTRAORDINARY TEAM.

The Giants hitting is so deep that we have TWO lead-off men. That a guy who led the team in home runs last year is batting SEVENTH. EVERY SINGLE starter contributed today (okay, it was against the Brewers, but whatever). And Madison Bumgarner (even with the flu) bolstered the team’s line-up today. This concept is so foreign to me, that I feel like my head is going to rocket off my body. Amber Alert, everyone. The 2016 Giants have a pretty dang good offense.

With that, we only have one days worth of analysis and data to work off of at the moment, so I’ll try to keep my ol’ Giants skepticism intact for the next few months.

Oh, and just wanted to post some of the Giants commercial bloopers from earlier last week to the blog since a few of you were asking about where you could download the links I posted to Twitter. As a reminder, you can always find an archive of my GIFs in the GIF Gallery here.

Brandons, geeking out:

Brandons Blooper Reel 3

Hands-y Brandon Belt is hands-y

Brandons Blooper Reel 2

My favorite of the batch – the many faces of Javier Lopez

Javier Lopez Blooper Reel

More dorky Brandon moments

Brandons Blooper Reel 1

Brandon Crawford says yes

Crawford Blooper Reel Nod

Denard Span is special

Denard Span Blooper Reel


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