12 GIFs On Why You Should #VoteBelt

The NL All-Star team was announced yesterday and I think there’s one thing that all Giants fans can agree on (other than we need bullpen help): there should be at least one Brandon representing the Giants in San Diego. Thankfully, we have a second chance to send a Brandon to Petco. Brandon Belt was named…

Opening Day Thoughts … And More Giants Commercial GIFs!

I’ll be completely honest with you – the more competent the Giants are at the beginning of the season, the more I feel doomed about the season. There’s something about a sloppy, slumping, ERA-filled Giants team that makes me feel better about their chances in the postseason. It’s kind of messed up, but hey, I’m a…

Slow Motion GIFs

Earlier today, SFG Productions put out an awesome video with lots of exclusive footage in super slow motion. First thought… GIFs! OMG! GIFs! (Thanks @LOLKNBRCallers for pointing out some of these pivotal moments in the film). In any case, here are some of my favorite clips turned into my favorite image format.. the GIF (hard G…

SF Giants May GIF Dump: Part 2

As promised, I’m back with the remainder of my GIF dump for May. This time we will be focusing on celebrations and walk-offs. It’s hard to remember back to Angel Pagan’s inside the park-er but it DID happen in May. I know no one wants to hear my narrative anyway so I’ll just get to…

SF Giants May GIF Dump: Part 1

I’m not sure how much I liked May. I mean it was like a dysfunctional relationship of sorts – REALLY REALLY HAPPY or like, weeping and listening to Coldplay. I’m hoping June will be much more.. consistent .. for better lack of terms. I will give the team this – no matter how terribly or…

SF Giants April LOL Moments

Hope you guys have been enjoying the Giants celebration post. I got out of work early today so I was able to get jamming on the “LOL” moments of April earlier than expected. Bay Area Sports Guy is somehow trusting me to write AND post the post-game wrap tonight, so that write-up may just be…

SF Giants April Celebrations

Apologies for my absence on this blog. It’s not for lack of baseball on TV. Quite the opposite. So much baseball that I’ve been doing a lot of writing for Bay Area Sports Guy. Check out some of the stuff I’ve been doing there if you haven’t already. In any case, this April was full…

Random GIFs I forgot to post

This is the most irrelevant post but I forgot I made these GIFs a long time ago and never posted them:  Here’s Sergio Romo with the last pitch of the WS and turning Cabrera into a tabby kitten:  And a Vogelsong/Carnival metaphor. Fun Fact: Nicole Vogelsong Favorited this GIF , presumably to show hubby how crazy Chinese people are: …