Opening Day Thoughts … And More Giants Commercial GIFs!

I’ll be completely honest with you – the more competent the Giants are at the beginning of the season, the more I feel doomed about the season. There’s something about a sloppy, slumping, ERA-filled Giants team that makes me feel better about their chances in the postseason. It’s kind of messed up, but hey, I’m a…

10 Quality Reaction GIFS from the Giants Commercial Outakes

I’m willing to bet this will be a tumultuous year for the Giants because let’s face it, when is it not? Thankfully, the Giants came through with some great GIF material that has been spliced up and can be applied to many instances. Just to un-atrophy your baseball brain, I’ve put together a couple scenarios…

GIFtastic Roundup: Week 2

I’m two for two in posting this! That’s an accomplishment, especially since I really want to take the off day to stare blindly at my television and taking a pre-bedtime nap. In any case, we had the Diamondbacks and Rockies this week for our round-up. Just to be completely candid, I was attending most of…

GIFtastic Roundup: Week 1

Another season. Another year of graphic interchange formats for everyone to enjoy (everyone = mainly me). Due to the popular response on Twitter and how well-received it was in 2013, I decided to bring the GIF Roundup back. This will be my super-professional editorial VIP opinion on the best Giants GIFs of the week. Feel…