Opening Day Thoughts … And More Giants Commercial GIFs!

I’ll be completely honest with you – the more competent the Giants are at the beginning of the season, the more I feel doomed about the season. There’s something about a sloppy, slumping, ERA-filled Giants team that makes me feel better about their chances in the postseason. It’s kind of messed up, but hey, I’m a…

10 Quality Reaction GIFS from the Giants Commercial Outakes

I’m willing to bet this will be a tumultuous year for the Giants because let’s face it, when is it not? Thankfully, the Giants came through with some great GIF material that has been spliced up and can be applied to many instances. Just to un-atrophy your baseball brain, I’ve put together a couple scenarios…

Slow Motion GIFs

Earlier today, SFG Productions put out an awesome video with lots of exclusive footage in super slow motion. First thought… GIFs! OMG! GIFs! (Thanks @LOLKNBRCallers for pointing out some of these pivotal moments in the film). In any case, here are some of my favorite clips turned into my favorite image format.. the GIF (hard G…

SF Giants May GIF Dump: Part 1

I’m not sure how much I liked May. I mean it was like a dysfunctional relationship of sorts – REALLY REALLY HAPPY or like, weeping and listening to Coldplay. I’m hoping June will be much more.. consistent .. for better lack of terms. I will give the team this – no matter how terribly or…

SF Giants April LOL Moments

Hope you guys have been enjoying the Giants celebration post. I got out of work early today so I was able to get jamming on the “LOL” moments of April earlier than expected. Bay Area Sports Guy is somehow trusting me to write AND post the post-game wrap tonight, so that write-up may just be…

SF Giants April Celebrations

Apologies for my absence on this blog. It’s not for lack of baseball on TV. Quite the opposite. So much baseball that I’ve been doing a lot of writing for Bay Area Sports Guy. Check out some of the stuff I’ve been doing there if you haven’t already. In any case, this April was full…

Giants Ring Ceremony & Everyone’s ERA explodes

Day 3 of 3 of Opening Weekend. Ring Ceremony was amazing – the replica rings as you’ve probably heard, are just so cool. They are not plastic or keychains – they are straight up heavy duty rings that look pretty damn impressive. Of all 3 ceremonies, Opening Day was my favorite. It was cool to…

Giants honor Posey, Vogelsong can’t blank the Cardinals

I attended Opening Day yesterday and went to the MVP Ceremony today where Posey was presented with his MVP Trophy. It was pretty amazing – a lot of the former MVP winners were there including Kent, McCovey, and Mays – noticeably missing: Barry Bonds. Probably doing a triathlon somewhere. The ceremony itself was “brief” compared…

Giants Opening Day – The most wonderful of wonderful

One of my vendors at work offered me tickets to the Home Opener today in a Luxury Suite. I literally couldn’t have said yes fast enough. I’ve never been to an opening day, let alone an opening day after a World Championship, so I had no idea to expect. Here’s where you don’t judge me….

More Commercial GIFs. Keep ’em coming, Buster Posey.

Been awhile since I blogged but mostly because I’ve been doing some writing for Bay Area Sports Guy and also moving to my beautiful new condo by AT&T Park. Yup, I timed my walk to the ballpark and it’s 4 minutes. That’s pretty impressive. Well, Buster Posey keeps showing what a well-rounded individual he is…

Just for fun…

Let’s watch the Padres miss a routine fly ball (from yesterday’s spring training game): Gotta love Spring Training.

Buster Posey MLB “The Show” Commercial GIFs (Caution: Extremely Awesome)

Buster Posey doing anything other than quietly catching behind the plate and acting like Captain America during press interviews is an extreme rarity. And fan-freaking-tastic. So his MLB “The Show” commercials have been a real treat for Giants fans. His usually straight-laced, professional demeanor, immediately gets replaced with Snarky, Immature, and surprisingly, Good Actor, Buster…