ICYMI: Social Media Minute | Week of 8/15

I’m back in action, which admittedly is not the easiest thing to do when the Giants have been as bad as they are since the All-Star break. It was kinda cute for a week and now it’s bordering on hysterical(ly sad). Despite how the Giants are doing, the social media world keeps spinning. I’ve compiled…

ICYMI: Social Media Minute | Post All-Star Break

I’ve definitely been slacking on posting social media minutes – I went to the All-Star Game in San Diego but have also been burnt out from watching loss-after-loss with the Giants downward spiral. That being said, some truly wonderful things have happened on social media despite the free-fall and I think it’s important I bring…

12 GIFs On Why You Should #VoteBelt

The NL All-Star team was announced yesterday and I think there’s one thing that all Giants fans can agree on (other than we need bullpen help): there should be at least one Brandon representing the Giants in San Diego. Thankfully, we have a second chance to send a Brandon to Petco. Brandon Belt was named…

Opening Day Thoughts … And More Giants Commercial GIFs!

I’ll be completely honest with you – the more competent the Giants are at the beginning of the season, the more I feel doomed about the season. There’s something about a sloppy, slumping, ERA-filled Giants team that makes me feel better about their chances in the postseason. It’s kind of messed up, but hey, I’m a…

2016 Giants Commercial GIFs

With the new season upon us, we can only expect a new batch of Giants commercials to grace our presence. As someone who thrives on that type of content to support my livelihood of creating GIFs, I couldn’t be happier to dust off my laptop and bring these to you. As an editor’s note, I’m…

10 Quality Reaction GIFS from the Giants Commercial Outakes

I’m willing to bet this will be a tumultuous year for the Giants because let’s face it, when is it not? Thankfully, the Giants came through with some great GIF material that has been spliced up and can be applied to many instances. Just to un-atrophy your baseball brain, I’ve put together a couple scenarios…

GIFtastic Roundup: Week 2

I’m two for two in posting this! That’s an accomplishment, especially since I really want to take the off day to stare blindly at my television and taking a pre-bedtime nap. In any case, we had the Diamondbacks and Rockies this week for our round-up. Just to be completely candid, I was attending most of…

More on the Damon Bruce debacle

I really wasn’t going to continue writing on the Damon Bruce topic because, quite frankly, I’m pretty sick of it. But then this article from Awful Announcing surfaced. And then this piece by Rob Neyer of Baseball Nation. And well, we’re back to square one, aren’t we? First of all, I’d like to reiterate that I’ve never once…

Dear KNBR: A small request

I’m sure you guys have all heard about Damon Bruce’s rantings from yesterday’s show. If you haven’t, I urge you to check out the summaries posted on Awful Announcing and Bay Area Sports Guy. Just keep tissues or some gauze handy so you can make sure to wipe the blood from your ears after listening…