ICYMI: Social Media Minute | Week 4 Round Up

Week Four! Can you believe we’re about a quarter of the way through the season? I don’t know about you, but it’s blown by. The Giants went from a team who hit the crap out of the ball to a team that couldn’t hit a lick.. to a team that couldn’t pitch to save their…

Baseball and My Pops

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there. Mine in particular. I love baseball almost to fault. And in this case, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. Growing up, we never got to listen to music in the car. If I wanted to listen to Boyz II Men, it would need…

SF Giants May GIF Dump: Part 2

As promised, I’m back with the remainder of my GIF dump for May. This time we will be focusing on celebrations and walk-offs. It’s hard to remember back to Angel Pagan’s inside the park-er but it DID happen in May. I know no one wants to hear my narrative anyway so I’ll just get to…

SF Giants May GIF Dump: Part 1

I’m not sure how much I liked May. I mean it was like a dysfunctional relationship of sorts – REALLY REALLY HAPPY or like, weeping and listening to Coldplay. I’m hoping June will be much more.. consistent .. for better lack of terms. I will give the team this – no matter how terribly or…

Giants honor Posey, Vogelsong can’t blank the Cardinals

I attended Opening Day yesterday and went to the MVP Ceremony today where Posey was presented with his MVP Trophy. It was pretty amazing – a lot of the former MVP winners were there including Kent, McCovey, and Mays – noticeably missing: Barry Bonds. Probably doing a triathlon somewhere. The ceremony itself was “brief” compared…

Hunter Pence and Tim Lincecum imitate each other at Fan Fest

Hunter Pence and Tim Lincecum imitation GIFs. Who could ask for anything more? I missed fan fest but I feel like by watching this I was actually there. This has to have been the best part. I like the fist bump at the end. Good talk everyone.

Madison Bumgarner is “Fixed” and WS Game 2 GIFs

I had my doubts. Madison Bumgarner “fixed”? Sure he is. Just like they “fixed” Timmy right? Yeah yeah, mechanics mechanics, Mark Gardner, blah blah, release point, blah blah.  Yeah, I’ve heard all this before. Truth be told, Bummy just looked GASSED.  And then there was yesterday. DOMINANT. That’s the only way to describe it. Fister…

GIFS I forgot to post. My Bad.

I worked 63 hours last week and didn’t have time to do anything – including sleep more than 5 hours a night. BUT, I did have time to make GIFs which I never posted. Here they are – new “Real” blog entry to come.. for now, just enjoy these:  Ryan Vogelsong, awkward moment:  Angry Buster: …

Cody Ross goes bananas – THE GIF

I don’t have time for a lot of things, but I always have time to make a GIF of a man once nicknamed “Smiles” within the Giants organization going today BERZERKER BANANAS COCO LOCO on an ump: 

Oh, just some GIFs I made cause I was bored

More to come in the Post Game blog.. just some randos I’ve forgotten to post:  Crawford and Blanco have a little run in on the field – Blanco tackles him and Crawfords face is priceless:  Hunter Pence doing a little strip tease. BTW, 6 pack confirmed. If there was any doubt.  And a vintage Pence…