12 GIFs On Why You Should #VoteBelt

The NL All-Star team was announced yesterday and I think there’s one thing that all Giants fans can agree on (other than we need bullpen help): there should be at least one Brandon representing the Giants in San Diego. Thankfully, we have a second chance to send a Brandon to Petco. Brandon Belt was named…

Top 20 SF Giants GIFS: 2014 Regular Season

It really seems like a lifetime ago. For some reason, the regular season seems like an anomaly – the San Francisco Giants team we saw in the postseason didn’t at all reflect anything that happened between April thru September. I remember little bits and pieces of the season, everything in fractions. So to me, here’s…

GIFtastic Roundup: Week 2

I’m two for two in posting this! That’s an accomplishment, especially since I really want to take the off day to stare blindly at my television and taking a pre-bedtime nap. In any case, we had the Diamondbacks and Rockies this week for our round-up. Just to be completely candid, I was attending most of…

SF Giants May GIF Dump: Part 2

As promised, I’m back with the remainder of my GIF dump for May. This time we will be focusing on celebrations and walk-offs. It’s hard to remember back to Angel Pagan’s inside the park-er but it DID happen in May. I know no one wants to hear my narrative anyway so I’ll just get to…

Giants Ring Ceremony & Everyone’s ERA explodes

Day 3 of 3 of Opening Weekend. Ring Ceremony was amazing – the replica rings as you’ve probably heard, are just so cool. They are not plastic or keychains – they are straight up heavy duty rings that look pretty damn impressive. Of all 3 ceremonies, Opening Day was my favorite. It was cool to…

Giants Opening Day – The most wonderful of wonderful

One of my vendors at work offered me tickets to the Home Opener today in a Luxury Suite. I literally couldn’t have said yes fast enough. I’ve never been to an opening day, let alone an opening day after a World Championship, so I had no idea to expect. Here’s where you don’t judge me….

More Commercial GIFs. Keep ’em coming, Buster Posey.

Been awhile since I blogged but mostly because I’ve been doing some writing for Bay Area Sports Guy and also moving to my beautiful new condo by AT&T Park. Yup, I timed my walk to the ballpark and it’s 4 minutes. That’s pretty impressive. Well, Buster Posey keeps showing what a well-rounded individual he is…

Just for fun…

Let’s watch the Padres miss a routine fly ball (from yesterday’s spring training game): Gotta love Spring Training.

More SF Giants Commercial GIFs

So tired. But saw the new commercial and had to make GIFs. This is what my life is now. Presented without comment (because I am too tired to think of any) but here you are – please use responsibly.

Buster Posey MLB “The Show” Commercial GIFs (Caution: Extremely Awesome)

Buster Posey doing anything other than quietly catching behind the plate and acting like Captain America during press interviews is an extreme rarity. And fan-freaking-tastic. So his MLB “The Show” commercials have been a real treat for Giants fans. His usually straight-laced, professional demeanor, immediately gets replaced with Snarky, Immature, and surprisingly, Good Actor, Buster…

Hunter Pence rocks out

Hunter Pence is weird. We all know this. But did you know he likes to do selfie videos of himself singing and rocking out in the car? Well, he really really does. And it the most legendary thing I ever saw. In case you missed the videos, you can click here and here to see…

Random GIFs I forgot to post

This is the most irrelevant post but I forgot I made these GIFs a long time ago and never posted them:  Here’s Sergio Romo with the last pitch of the WS and turning Cabrera into a tabby kitten:  And a Vogelsong/Carnival metaphor. Fun Fact: Nicole Vogelsong Favorited this GIF , presumably to show hubby how crazy Chinese people are: …