Giants win the World Series and Game 4 GIFS (So so many GIFS)

WOoOOOOOOOOOoooooOOOO I absolutely had to start off by saying that because WOW. Just WOW. I was at a bar for Game 4 and honestly, was a total emotional mess so I was unable to post until now. Oh, I was also at the parade – that post will probably go up tonight or tomorrow. So…

ICYMI : WS Game 3 Intentional Talk GIFs

Will put a longer blog later – after I have GIF’ed a few things and done actual work that people actually pay me for (spreadsheets, FML)  Wanted to get these amazing GIFs from today’s Intentional Talk episode. Marco Scutaro was HILARIOUS during his interview. Here is the highlight – him imitating Albert Pujols:  And then…