ICYMI: Social Media Minute | Week of 8/22

I wanted to start out this post with a Matt Moore appreciation paragraph. It doesn’t really fall within the “social media” realm, but I just wanted to give him a shout out since he pulled us out from our momentary darkness and made Giants fans everywhere smile because they almost no-hit the Dodgers. As I put it in an earlier tweet:


I knew I liked Moore when he gave up number 55 to help preserve the legend of Timmy The Kid in San Francisco. If I had a personal dictionary, that anecdote would be next to the word “classy”.

That being said, let’s jump into the best social media moments of the week, starting with:

  • Matt Moore’s teammates are proud of him – One of the reasons I love this team is the genuine chemistry they seem to have with one another. I guess if I was paid to play baseball with my homies, I would be pretty chemistry-y too but I do feel like the bond in the Giants clubhouse is especially tight. Here’s a small sample of tweets from Will Smith, Denard Span, and Hunter Strickland that went out after Moore’s almost no-hitter:


Bonus points assigned to Will Smith for having the beans to make fun of himself. Nothing like a little self-deprecation to win over a fan base


  • The Kuipers & puppies – Since it’s National Dog Day as I write this post, it seemed appropriate to include some sort of puppies-related thing, right?  Kuip’s daughter Dannon adopted an adorable frenchie named Chowder. Here’s the Instagram photo Duane posted of himself holding Chowder and her sister Pearl. The best part is how dirty Kuip’s shirt is.



  • Very important Skeeter Duffy update – It almost seemed like people were just as concerned about Matt Duffy moving to Tampa as they were Skeeter. Well, I’m pleased to inform you that Skeeter is alive and well. Matt’s sister Erin posted a photo of Skeeter for National Dog Day (sure. whatever.) and it looks like perhaps he’s packed on a few lbs. I get it though, stress eating and what not. You do you, Skeeter.


Hope you enjoyed this week’s round up! Let me know if I missed anything in the comments below.

Go Giants (and Cubs. Beat LA)

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  1. Always good stuff!⭐️⚾️⭐️

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