12 GIFs On Why You Should #VoteBelt

The NL All-Star team was announced yesterday and I think there’s one thing that all Giants fans can agree on (other than we need bullpen help): there should be at least one Brandon representing the Giants in San Diego.

Thankfully, we have a second chance to send a Brandon to Petco. Brandon Belt was named an All-Star Final Vote finalist, alongside Jake Lamb (AZ), Starling Marte (PIT), Trevor Story (COL), and Ryan Braun (MIL) and I think he has a great shot of winning. Not only is he deserving (one of the best defensive first basemen in the league, 45 RBIs, batting .297) he provides general hilarity and is the proud owner of #Splash69. And like I said, WE NEED BRANDON REPRESENTATION.

Although I may not need to convince you that Belt is deserving, I may have to convince you to give up a few minutes a day to type in captcha numbers over and over to cast your vote for the Baby Giraffe. Those who follow me on Twitter know I’m all about GIFs, so let me provide you some very solid GIFs that back up my strong and very vocal support for Belt.

1. He Can Make Fun Of Himself 

Brandon’s self-deprecating humor is one of his top qualities. I mean, every sitcom in America has a guy who is basically the Brandon Belt of the show. It helps balance the equilibrium of the clubhouse. Case and point – Belt frequently dons the most unflattering and ridiculous costumes for the Giants commercials. I mean…

Brandon Giraffe Commercial

2. He’s Invested In The Team

Not only did Brandon show his loyalty to the Giants by penning a six-year $79 million contract, he’s the ultimate team player. Look at the pure joy as he watches the game:


He’s either really excited or he’s signaling a field goal.

3. He Sure Can Pick ‘Em 

There is very little that can infuriate me like people saying Belt comes off the bag too early. NO HE DOESN’T ARE YOU DUMB? In any case, he’s fielded a lot of tough throws at first base and can stretch his giraffe-esque body when needed. A total plus to round out our defensively-gifted infield:


4. He Brought The Turkey Tap To San Francisco

Belt probably had no idea what can of worms (or.. turkey?) he was opening when he brought the turkey tap celebration tradition to SF. The teacher has become the student as I see Belt get a loving turkey tap every time the Giants win. Bonus Points: Anyone who can make Buster Posey break his normal stoic behavior (like that time he giggled at a press conference when Romo said “balls”) , is a-okay in my book:


5. He Reminds Me Of JT Snow 

My all-time favorite Giants and a gifted defensive first baseman, Brandon Belt has had several key moments that channel Darren Baker’s hero and savior:


6. BBrandon BBelt

You down with OBP?


7. He Eats Like An Eight Year

Seems like as an adult in his late twenties should maybe expand his culinary palate beyond cereal, pizza, and grilled cheese but I guess you can’t take the boy out of Nacogdoches, Texas after all. His recent collaboration with Slice House and his former bae, The Melt shows the world that he is not afraid of eating a cheese-based diet:


8. He’s Expressive 

Call it Slumpy Shoulders or whatever you like, but no one expresses disappointment like Brandon Belt.


9. He Gets Along Well With Other Brandons 

Some Brandons may be threatened by other Brandons, but not Belt. He embraces them. I guess it’s more like a chest bump, but you get the picture:


10. He Can Handle A Cold Beer Shower 

To be fair, he’s been in a few clubhouse celebrations so I’m sure the body acclimates but it’s still pretty dang impressive. See how he doesn’t even move from under the cold beer stream?


11. He’s Clutch 

For a while during the peak years of the Belt Wars, there was an argument that Belt was super un-clutch. Well, why don’t you ask the NLDS’ 18-inning game if he was clutch? Bonus points for that epic bat drop.

Belt 18th inning NLDS.gif

12. The Boy Knows How To Dog Pile 

He’s been known to punch, bounce, and yell but sometimes he digs deep and actually hurdles his teammates.


I hope those dozen GIFs have convinced you to spend a few minutes on the internet to cast your vote for this big kid. He deserves to be at the All-Star game so let’s make it happen!

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Traci says:

    So glad you mentioned that Buster Posey interview moment. I was starting to think I imagined seeing it. My fav part was when he pointed into the crowd and asked “Did you get that?” to one of the reporters.

    1. carmenkiew says:

      One of my favorite moments in Giants history 🙂

  2. Pam Sheil says:


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