ICYMI: Social Media Minute | Week 5 Round Up

The June Swoon has officially descended upon us and my analysis is officially “eh”. After Hunter Pence’s flesh ripped off his hamstring or whatever the medical diagnosis was, I knew it was going to get worse before it got better. Cut to Santiago Casilla blowing saves, Buster Posey’s thumb nerves flaring up, and our bullpen being a hodge-podge of inconsistency, I’m hoping that things will start trending upwards.

Thank goodness for social media to keep things light. Here are this edition’s round-ups that I’ll share on Marty’s pre-game show this weekend:

  • The Brandons Make Cute Children: Brandon Crawford’s wife Jalynne posted an adorable photo on twitter of Brandon Belt’s son Grayson and her and Crawford’s eldest daughter Braylyn holding hands and possibly sparking an innocent romance? In any case, the Brandon’s sure produce some adorable spawn.


  • Freddy Sanchez is alive and well And at the MLB Draft apparently. He was hanging out at the Pittsburgh Pirates table with Jason Bay and looking pretty happy for a ghost that the Giants never saw again.


  • Hunter Pence is alive! Pence underwent surgery for his hamstring when the tendon completely ripped off the bone. Yowza. As usual, Pence was his happy-to-go-lucky self, even when about to go under the knife:


He seemed even happier after his surgery when he let fans know he was okay. I mean, he looks less disheveled after a hamstring surgery than I do before going out on Friday night for drinks. Get well soon, Hunter!


  • #Splash69 FINALLY HAPPENED. After a loooooong drought, Brandon Belt brought #Splash69 back to the bay. In my opinion (and what do I know?), Belt is one of the best interviews in baseball and the one following his wet home run was no exception. Best quote of the interview:

It’s been awhile and we almost wish it would stay there for a little bit too. Not that we don’t want to hit it out of the water but maybe next time we hit it that hard it’ll hit the flag pole and drop straight down.

Hopefully the Giants can keep their distance in the National League during the Dodgers series but if not, we’ll always have social media. See y’all next time!

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