More on the Damon Bruce debacle

I really wasn’t going to continue writing on the Damon Bruce topic because, quite frankly, I’m pretty sick of it. But then this article from Awful Announcing surfaced. And then this piece by Rob Neyer of Baseball Nation. And well, we’re back to square one, aren’t we? First of all, I’d like to reiterate that I’ve never once…

Dear KNBR: A small request

I’m sure you guys have all heard about Damon Bruce’s rantings from yesterday’s show. If you haven’t, I urge you to check out the summaries posted on Awful Announcing and Bay Area Sports Guy. Just keep tissues or some gauze handy so you can make sure to wipe the blood from your ears after listening…

Some thoughts on Ryan Vogelsong

The Giants have officially declined Ryan Vogelsong’s $6.5 MM option. It was probably an obvious decision to most but I’m still in denial about the fact that Ryan Vogelsong may no longer be a San Francisco Giant. The deepest part of my fandom aches for one of the most inspirational players to ever wear a…