SF Giants April LOL Moments


Hope you guys have been enjoying the Giants celebration post. I got out of work early today so I was able to get jamming on the “LOL” moments of April earlier than expected. Bay Area Sports Guy is somehow trusting me to write AND post the post-game wrap tonight, so that write-up may just be Cat Memes if I end up using up all my writing juices on this.

Just a side note, in case you missed it, Alex Pavlovic posted his monthly time capsule post and it was AWESOME. Brandon Belt’s quote on having Nick Noonan wait in the bathroom while they all got their rings was my favorite part. Because, well. Brandon Belt.

In case you’re wondering why I’m starting to do a monthly GIF thing, it’s because I constantly get asked on Twitter if my GIFs live anywhere on the interwebs. They technically live here, but since I’ve started writing for BASG more often, it’s been hard to find the time to post them real time. Hopefully this monthly GIF thing is a compromise for those of you who are hungry for them (all 2 of you).

I enjoyed writing the Celebration post but this is the one I’m most excited about. Because I love LOLs, Baseball Fails, and general quirkiness. A lot of people like to GIF pitching, swings, etc. I like to GIF the in between – all the weird moments that you can look back and laugh (or scratch your head). I think we all know this culminating to the Machi fart GIF, so let’s just mention that elephant poop in the room and get it over with:

I call this, “Recoil”

And the less publicized “Aftermath” GIF:

But so many more hilarious things happened in April other than the Fart Heard Round the League. Like, this creepy Angel Pagan stare. I mean, seriously. “Why so serioussssss?”

You. FIST.

Another favorite of mine from April is this one of Incredulous Madison Bumgarner after watching Barry Zito get two hits in a row:

“What in the tarnation..”

Here’s one from the road trip. Cubs aren’t very good. Here’s an example:

Editor’s Note: Only watch while playing clown music.

Another one from the Cubs series … this is how you know everyone has officially given up. Instead of running it out, you just let the opposing team high five you:

This obviously is not a Giants GIF, but LOL Dodgers. Matt Kemp acting like a foolio in the infamous Dodgers/Padres brawl. “That’s fertilizer” – Vin Scully

“I am a nice guy. CHEMISTRY!”

Bruce Bochy is frightening. Especially when he is WAY bigger than you:

Lollipop Guild

Pablo Swings at bad pitches. Pablo sometimes strikes out. He makes the following face:

New AT&T Park feature: Pomeranian Cam


Oh Santiago Casilla. You are just as bad as the fans doing the wave.


Brandon Crawford. Slow motion hair flip.

This next GIF is part of the “we got super-swept by the Padres” series. As you can see, we were not exactly playing sharp baseball at that time .Buster Posey had to be less than subtle when trying to signal to Chad Gaudin:

Squirrel. Nuff said. Or should I said “NUTS” said. Get it? Squirrels like nuts.

Oh Parra. We hardly knew you. Apparently he stayed laid out for 6.5 seconds. I hope the next time we go to Arizona, a chalk outline will commemorate the moment.

There you have it. My favorite April laughable moments.

Oh, and #BeatLA

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