SF Giants April Celebrations

Apologies for my absence on this blog. It’s not for lack of baseball on TV. Quite the opposite. So much baseball that I’ve been doing a lot of writing for Bay Area Sports Guy. Check out some of the stuff I’ve been doing there if you haven’t already.

In any case, this April was full of ups and downs but I’m going to have selective memory and just remember all the happy times. Oh and of course this will be just GIFs. Because words are pointless when you can use animation and pictures.

Starting with when Jeremy Affeldt was clapping for a fellow teammate.. he was told to simmer down:

“Yayyy.. oh no?”

Here’s Marco Scutaro celebrating like a G with his new hardware:

Madison Bumgarner stoked at a great play. I love that the country boy has his hands in his pants before giving a celebratory pump.

No one celebrates quite like Hunter Pence. Especially in this instance. Man was he ever jazzed.

1bup click click click!

A glorious hair celebration courtesy of an Angel Pagan walk-off. I mean, look at that hair. Look at it bounce. That’s genetics and diva.

Buster Posey celebrates in a way more subtle fashion. Little kidney punches to Madison Bumgarner’s side. Yeah. That’s how MVP’s get down.

Speaking of Buster Posey, another celebratory pump. This GIF should be in the dictionary, next to the word: AMERICA

How about a Brandon Belt helmet toss? Here’s the most clutch guy on the team:


Oh. Here’s what partying too hard looks like.

Here’s another one of Hunter Pence who is utterly and completely stoked by Brandon Belt:

And hey, I think we finally have a visual representation of what a Turkey Tap is. The fact that Buster Posey is the one demonstrating it blows my mind though.

PS. Following up this post sometime this weekend with a April’s biggest LOLs GIF post. Farts, Parras, and more.

Thanks for reading! Follow me at on Twitter for real time game commentary and GIFs. And Cat pictures. There are a lot of those too.

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