Buster Posey MLB “The Show” Commercial GIFs (Caution: Extremely Awesome)

Buster Posey doing anything other than quietly catching behind the plate and acting like Captain America during press interviews is an extreme rarity. And fan-freaking-tastic. So his MLB “The Show” commercials have been a real treat for Giants fans. His usually straight-laced, professional demeanor, immediately gets replaced with Snarky, Immature, and surprisingly, Good Actor, Buster Posey.

Here are a few awesome GIFs from a commercial release a month or so ago. The gist is he can communicate with only catcher signs. I mean, I totally agree:

Buster Posey Mask

Wolverine Posey

Posey Out

And this one was just release today. And it’s epic:

Excuse Me Posey

Say What Now Posey

Not Real Posey

Youre a Video Game Posey

Buster Posey, don’t ever change. Unless it’s to do way more commercials. Then you may change.

Posey Out.

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