Random GIFs I forgot to post

This is the most irrelevant post but I forgot I made these GIFs a long time ago and never posted them:  Here’s Sergio Romo with the last pitch of the WS and turning Cabrera into a tabby kitten:  And a Vogelsong/Carnival metaphor. Fun Fact: Nicole Vogelsong Favorited this GIF , presumably to show hubby how crazy Chinese people are: …

Bye Melky. Have fun in Canada.

Looks like the Melky Cabrera train has pulled into the station. And the station is in Canada. And a ticket costs $16 million dollars.  There was so much will they/won’t they this year surrounding this man. Will they bring him back for the post season? Will they sign him next year? A lot of media…

More Giants Parade Photos = More Happiness

As promised, my awesome friend Sarah (follow her on Twitter here), has passed along her parade photos to me. She and I were standing together but her camera was like 12903812 times better than mine.  Here are a few snaps she took:  Pat Burrell – Just gorgeous. Also, still drinking beer out of cans.  Bill! …

Giants Parade GIFs – Better Late Than Never

Made these a hundred years ago it feels like but forgot to post on the blog – here are some GIFs from the Parade:  Panda messing with Gregor’s hair during a speech:  Matt Cain introduces Captain America:  Jeremy Affeldt strapping on a knee brace and then doing a mock home run swing:  And finally the…

My Giants Playlist

As I mentioned, I am working on more time consuming pieces, including a bigger something something that I am almost done with but in the meantime, how about a Giants music playlist filled with walkup music and other Giants-fueled goodness? Here’s what I’ve been playing on repeat in the car (in no particular order):  Don’t…

Giants win the World Series and Game 4 GIFS (So so many GIFS)

WOoOOOOOOOOOoooooOOOO I absolutely had to start off by saying that because WOW. Just WOW. I was at a bar for Game 4 and honestly, was a total emotional mess so I was unable to post until now. Oh, I was also at the parade – that post will probably go up tonight or tomorrow. So…