POSTGAME NOTES: Magic Numbers, Giants Chemistry Sizzles, and Casilla RBI Alert

Well, how can I possibly complain? The Giants are in 1st place with a somewhat cushy lead. The Dodgers are practically self-destructing. Our Magic Number? 12. The postseason is within our grasp and all I can think is how badly I don’t want to jinx this. We know colossal meltdowns are possible in September (Mets …) so I’m just silently praying and hoping.. and spending $$$ on postseason tickets that don’t technically exist yet (NLDS 1st Home Game – will be in Section 229) 

Giants are really starting to play as a team.. which is quite difficult considering just HOW many guys are in the dugout every night. They are working off each other and picking each other up. That’s a TEAM. Not a bunch of egos trying to increase their RBIs or HR totals. Buster Posey is looking more and more like the NL MVP every day.. and I don’t think it’s gone to his head at all. He looks more focused than ever – gunning down runners like it’s his job (which it is) and his swing is looking smooth and easy. So pretty. 

I won’t count my chickens before they’re hatched but I do think the Giants stand an excellent shot for October.. what they do in October.. well, I have no idea. I’m hoping we clinch soon so that we can give our starters a breather.. if Matt Cain looks gassed, you know the starting pitching needs a break. 

Oh and before I forget: HUNTER PENCE GRAND SLAM. Ah, a thing of beauty. MOAR RBIS PLZ. 

Anyway, what would my blog be if not for the GIFs? I’ll start you off easy:

A nice D-back error where Matt Cain does Matt Cain like things: 

Weird play from Buster Posey to Brandon Belt.. if someone who didn’t know baseball saw this they would not think Buster Posey was very MVP-like: 

Pablo showing some cat-like reflexes at 3rd. #PANDAMODE back on: 

Super awkward/awesome Clay Hensley warmup in the bullpen – hey, he’s gotta get his groin loose: 

Now… the best thing you’ll ever see. A Santiago Casilla basehit and RBI.. where he almost forgets what 1st base is.. not surprising.. : 

And Hector’s reaction : 

So much GIF’in tonight. 

Will be at the SF Giant Race this weekend.. get to go on the field, get a weird Matt Cain Bobblehead, all sorts of wonderful things. 

Will post some photos! 

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