Can you buy chemistry? The Dodger’s Blockbuster Deal

As promised, I wanted to provide a lengthier post on my thoughts about the Dodger’s Blockbuster trade. This year, the bums have spent eleventy grillion dollars on players, trades, acquisitions – whatever you want to call it. Since those purchases, the Giants have widened their gap in the NL West. So, what does this mean? 

Did the Dodgers improve their team? Yes, on paper, this trade was a major win. More help on the pitching Roster (even though Carl Crawford can’t play until next year because of Tommy John’s surgery) and adding some offensive from a veteran is something every time looks to tack onto their roster. 


I know part of the Sox deal had to do with clubhouse diva/drama behavior. I know there are now several egos playing on the Dodgers roster. And I know that you can’t buy championships. In fact, most teams doing well right now can credit their success back to their farm system. And the Dodgers just gave theirs away. 

Going back to 2010, you can see why as a Giants fan I would believe that chemistry, above all, wins the pennant. A bunch of guys who didn’t belong anywhere else – who didn’t have the resume to have won against the Braves, Phillies, and Rangers.. and they did it. How? I really do believe it was chemistry. The highest paid member of the Giants wasn’t even on the roster (Ugh, go die Barry Zito). 

I’ve been asked so much if I’m worried about the Dodgers (or the Yankees of the West) and my sincere answer is NO. I’m worried about whether Buster Posey can stay healthy. If Timmy can get his groove back. If Hunter Pence can live up to his potential. But I am not worried about the dodgers. I ain’t afraid of no Blue. 

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