Attention Ladies: George Kontos’ Ass GIF

I’ve had friends in town so I haven’t had time to write posts or anything but I found time to marvel at the wonder that is George Kontos’ ass. I first noticed “it” during Rookie hazing. Hard to not notice something so glorious when it’s wrapped in what can only be described as shiny purple…

Rookie Hazing GIFs

I was going to cover the game and write up some post-game notes but really, I got nothing. The only thing I will say is I’m grateful to be a San Francisco Giants fans. I root for a winning team and one that values it’s fans as much as a 10th man on the field. …

2009 Rookie Hazing GIFs : Buster Posey and Eli Whiteside

After seeing all that spandex, well I needed to be reminded that Rookie hazing can still be awesome, even without seeing everyone’s goods looking straight at me:  Eli Whiteside by day, Superman by night:  Buster Posey, our future MVP:  Putting up more GIFs in my post game blog but thought this was too good not…

Happy Dugout = Happy GIFs

It’s past midnight, I have not showered and ate a bowl of Top Ramen for dinner. Suffice to say, it’s been a busy day.  But how could I go to bed without posting this joy on my blog! We are on MAGIC NUMBER 5. Ryan Theriot. We will probably clinch this weekend. And I am…

Magic #7, More Crawford GG Evidence, and Playoff Timmy

Wow – I can’t believe how close we are to clinching this thing. 7. That means as soon as this weekend, we could be the NLW Champions. It’s crazy to think we started out this season trailing the Dodgers.  More than anything, I’m starting to see a team that can actually go far in the…

Why Brandon Crawford should win a Gold Glove: GIF Edition

While I could spend hours talking about Magic Numbers, How Bumgarner pitched well without pitching well last night, or #MVPosey, I wanted to spend this time to talk about Brandon Crawford.  I’ve been a fan from day 1 – he was hitting under .200 but as many did, I saw his street ball video and…

GIFS I forgot to post. My Bad.

I worked 63 hours last week and didn’t have time to do anything – including sleep more than 5 hours a night. BUT, I did have time to make GIFs which I never posted. Here they are – new “Real” blog entry to come.. for now, just enjoy these:  Ryan Vogelsong, awkward moment:  Angry Buster: …

Cody Ross goes bananas – THE GIF

I don’t have time for a lot of things, but I always have time to make a GIF of a man once nicknamed “Smiles” within the Giants organization going today BERZERKER BANANAS COCO LOCO on an ump: 

Marco Scutaro GIF, #SeptemberToRemember, and Walkin’ it Off

The last few series have been very encouraging as a Giants fan. We’re watching the Giants win in the “Dog Days” of summer. We’re not only seeing them win, we’re also seeing them COME BACK. I think that is the key here. Last year, I would have thrown in the towel watching them blow a…